Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Yes! Billy & Emily were READY! They had a plan and stuck to it and all three phases were smooth and seamless. Emily felt the dressage was not rushed and the steadiest they've been as a team. In show jumping, Billy tends to think he's in charge and Emily asserted her leadership to a successful round. Each jump in show jumping was well-ridden. On cross country they focused on riding each jump and were successful with a clear round (no jumping penalties). A GREAT RIDE BY EMILY & BILLY!

Yes! Susan & Hershey were READY! Hershey was a "dream to ride". All three phases he was focused and obedient and did exactly as Sue instructed. He had his best show jumping course TO DATE as a double clear round. On cross country, he gallops so effortlessly and never touches the bit that Sue sometimes forgets how much ground he covers. This can (and did) lead to a miscalculation at a combination that cost her 20 jumping penalties. "It was my own fault" said Susan, "Hershey did exactly what I asked of him."

Videos will be coming as soon as we arrive home!

Happy Mother's Day Susan and "Show Mom" Debbie. Until Virginia in 2 weeks ...

Have a great ride!

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